Printf(”My name is Kimba.\n”)

Shali Mwandoe
4 min readJul 29, 2023


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>

#define COPY CTRL+C
#define PASTE CTR+V

I need this header file because I will be doing lots of printing in this file. The task that is the devil himself, the concierge of crime, the epitome of madness. It’s like a dream inside a dream (double dream drama) waking you up in near shock and second-guessing your pillow.

Ever my prevalence as a nyctophile had me appreciating the light. The task was total darkness, darker that the skin on my elbow and knee. Darker than a “black hole in the universe of secrets”.I had to juggle sleep contentment to understand the concept, with heavy eyes I didn’t pay attention. through the turmoil of live sessions from the kind YouTubers Dr. Obed, CodePlanet, and (comment your favorite tutors down below).

Assigning memory with the famous Mr. Malloc and his dear friend sizeof(&) operator. The duo is inseparable from the free chains of memory. Heaping in the cost of living as the breath is taken away by the Betty documentation and styles. here I am a hungry lion in the quest to outshine the diligent printf project. In tears, I hope and pray for the partner to get. And not a mere partner, a partner in crime (devilish laugh).

And there came Kimba! The emperor, the conqueror, the champion, and the lion. Resilient as the African sun, prevalent like the African mosquito, and tall as the African pyramid. Kimba is the emperor of all maladies, the conqueror of all deceit, the champion of truth, the literal lion he is. How I wish I knew of his existence I wouldn’t have touched the CTRL+C and additionally then CTRL+V. This is not to excuse my cheating but only to cushion my thirst. I appreciate his presence as he was what I lacked. Kimba my dear friend, come let us partake in the cup of unbroken bonds.

I have lost my appetite for the last few days. I think I may have lost weight. With the thought of the printf in my mind throughout my mind. With the prayer of crushing this beast. Like the faith of a mustard seed to tell the mountain to come here.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

My kind partner Mercy is affected by CTRL syndrome. Her keyboard had soft spots in the same area. Her deciduous laughter told the story of the struggle, having to cram loads of lines of code without understanding the real meaning behind them and ensuring that the deadline was gone and gone forever. Never conform to peace choosing violence always.

Back to Kimba, the substitute player who evens the scores and ensures all grass is level. I got to be serious and ensure that I make my mom proud. For it’s my wish to grow into a SE in the future. The score is now == NULL, and I wonder if will i be able to accommodate the 70% required for this month. How wicked did I become and decide to press the buttons of CTRL?

Let me narrate the experience. Like a happy child who found treasure, I sought to be a Software Engineer (Doctors are in high supply these days, and Engineers like my dad were not in my bones). I was happily accepted to the #dohardthings cohort 9, deferred to cohort 16, and landed the first months in the good books of the checker. Monthly evaluations to test my wits and score my efforts in the procedure to acquire more understanding. The advanced tasks for the elites and the GOATs in code.

And C language Oh my. the monotonous beast of an animal. Nonetheless, I rise, like the song I rise, I won’t give up no I won’t give in no matter the test. No matter the reason, I came to win and to win is my nature, I won’t give up. My second nature shall be #dohardthings. I want it so badly and I won’t go out empty-handed. Regardless of Kimba’s presence, the looming deadline, whether I forgot the header files or how to include guard them, and whether Betty is alive or dead. No matter the darkness inside the tunnel I shall be the light at the end of it.

I came to conquer — I am the emperor, the conqueror, the champion, the lion, all together.

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson



Shali Mwandoe

Santiago through the journey of finding his treasure. "It is hard till its done" and what better way to be done than through words, words powerful to sour love.