Voice of Reason.

Shali Mwandoe
7 min readJul 22, 2023


Photo by Brett Sayles: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-blue-yeti-1080746/

There exists this voice in our thoughts and mind. Whose sound is so low that its noise isn’t heard a breath away. Our thoughts have this voice — It is the most moral voice we would love always to hear. We psyche ourselves and are motivated we march to do something that we follow to completion. This voice inspires us but the willpower is depleted once we have tasked ourselves to the ⅛ of the job.

The stages that this voice goes through include:

  1. Speaking
  2. Drawing neural connections
  3. Judgement
  4. Forgetting


The voice has channeled itself to speak about anything. Anything it can imagine it speaks. It doesn’t care whether it harms or if the speech is crooked it just opens its breath and utter. He shouldn’t be blamed because whatever it can imagine is a fault of what it has been fed and with that processing it churns out what comes in.

Heavily influenced by the past experiences and information it is provided with it ensures that what it speaks doesn’t not appear mortally deficit however it sways in the area that is culturally confined.

For example, it speaks of a same-sex arrangement/marriage. This is a taboo in most reserved cultures and this speech isn’t morally sufficient to live adequately in a park of family. However, in the Western world, it has been ingrained in such a manner that growing children have to acknowledge that July is a Pride month.

The voice of reason, therefore, has certain limitations in its speaking in that what it speaks has been rounded off to the nearest experience, information in, family(culture) nurtured in, and majorly environment grown up in. If the above support behavior is morally polite, then the information is interpreted as good behavior, and saying anything centered around it will make life easier to go with. However, in an environment where thoughts have not been thoughts or certain information wasn’t passed, then certain speech will not be entertained.

Just the same way, praising Satan in an environment where he is condemned will get people staring at you in wonderment and disbelief. Some will be irritated that what we all thought to be true is not what we all think and speak. Once a certain speech is uttered the the second step is initiated.

Drawing neural connections

This is the important step in the algorithm towards the voice of reason. In the above, I kept saying the information in, past experiences, environment, and culture but all this relies on the neural connections database. This is a huge cloud storage that is accessed each time the voice articulates any words.

The voice sometimes speaks in the lowest whispers, because it’s uncertain of the environment, or the experience at the moment, or f a different culture in which it is uncertain about. It tries to get through any connections and it finds an endless road with nothing to carry and thus its voice diminishes.

Neural connections have the wires connecting the time, location, activity, judgment, and feeling, and storing them in we’ll keep shelves which may be made accessible when needed though we tend to forget them earlier on if they are not accessed periodically.

It so happens that after the voice speaks it’s when it plunges into the database of neural connections. it thinks the speaking.

Following the example in the above section, when the voice speaks of same-sex marriage it goes to the database and accesses any information stored in it. The information is presented in a pile of disorganized patterns and thrown heavily as a pile of dirt on a spade. The information descends like an angel from the heavens and straight to earth. The connections start to filter the information and package it according to the context of either experience, time, location, person, or judgment made the previous time.

After the filtering process, the connection evaluates the information that occurred recently to the one in the past. It’s in this time package that the data starts to gain relevance to the situation in question. The connections work to draw relevant information before the next step is initialized.

To make it easier let’s proceed with the same example, the information may be that in our culture we don’t accept same-sex marriage. such will be morally degrading by inviting Lucifer to your premises. The people around us will around us and segregate us not want to be associated with us. And as an experience, we see the neighbor’s child who decided to come out as a same-sex arrangement participate, the beating they received and recently schools locked them out, the parliament approved bills to punish anyone who did such. The information is released in a momentous loading.

The vice versa will be true for those who grew up in an environment with no accusations towards same-sex arrangements.

That is why it’s always easy to say yes a second time after being convinced the first time and pointing all conclusions to say yes to that which is beneficial and not morally degrading or opposing.


It’s here where the processed data from the raw pile of information is analyzed for viruses in terms of moral acceptance, humane approaches, cultural collaboration, and environmental enlightening.

Is what I just spoke able to pass as good whenever and wherever I get to speak it? This is the judgment that the voice goes to undertake. It questions the information it’s given and gets to decide whether to proceed further in front. In the same way that justice is passed in a jury court after evaluating written down rules either in the constitution or looking at past judgments in cases where the mistakes were ruled in court and the kind of redemption or punishment was administered if found guilty or the measures taken to atone for the sins of the guilty.

Judgment may say that here I may be a bit friendly as my past interaction with the guy seemed fruitful and I don’t have to be fearful of him but the tone should be more businesslike that the guy should know that I am serious. I may have read that the guy adores these types of shoes and I may like to present myself in them but I remember he is partly jealous and I may lose an opportunity by appearing far off from him thus opting for another shoe that is less auspicious and not accounted to the guy.

Judgment might also suggest that in my environment using a mother tongue language will make me able to communicate a particular concept well than in the bookly language of complex lingua. Otherwise using simple language with complex language will guarantee more success. It may suggest that certain topics are better discussed when certain people are present and others to be discussed at certain times when there is minimal noise and in an uplifting talk. In the same way, judgment is passed that you cannot be preaching to the deaf using our speech-language for conversion and that we could employ sign language to assist. Otherwise, forget about preaching for conversion rather than preaching for miracles to happen so that the deaf may hear.

Judgment may suggest that the topic of same-sex marriage is difficult a complex for the aged in the rural areas where we grew up in. But rather this will be a topic of disputes and bloodshedding if it was a debate motion in our universities. Either from information gotten on the internet or from past experiences.


This is a later step that is confirmed by how long the judgment may take and if we are to speak about the subject again. It’s a cycle in which we will be repeated every time we try racing against the voice and trying to intimidate it.

The voice forgets what is said, the neural networks it formed and the judgment it formed thus being irrational once more. More like an idiot. And I can say from most individuals that we are predictably irrational as the title of Dan Ariely’s book(which you should read). I don’t know if it’s forgetting or we tend to not hear the voice of reason.

I too am a victim in the sense that I am easily swayed away when making decisions. This is despite knowing from experience that so and so is manipulative to me or that I lack assertiveness when it comes to a certain person. Sometimes I get comfortable and lazy about any task I was to accomplish. Procrastination has a death toll on many of my projects and how they were to perform if I was committed to the cause of it all.

The voice too gets tired as it learns of this habit and the experiences fade away or the context isn’t placed accurately by the neural networks which work hand in hand. Forgetfulness is also influenced by our constant need to fit in socially. Though not morally degrading it works in reverse to our growth where we depend on the communal thinking to affect if our thinking is acceptable with a big grey area that is not known to us.

Although the voice of reason is usually smooth and too difficult to hear, there is some restraint that if placed on the body will eliminate sources of noise. In the same way that to create space in a bucket full of water, we should empty the water in the bucket.

The voice is calm so that we are not frightened when we converse with it and any judgment we pass through we should be scared to stand by them and be assertive. NO-SAYING is the art of listening to the voice of reason.



Shali Mwandoe

Santiago through the journey of finding his treasure. "It is hard till its done" and what better way to be done than through words, words powerful to sour love.